What to expect…

With the spread of COVID-19, we are learning how to be an active faith community in new, exciting, and challenging ways. This includes gathering digitally. Our calendar on this website is the best way to stay up to date with our online offerings. Please utilize the Contact Page to ask clarifying questions.



Louisville UMC’s santuary is an intimate space that holds a lot of energy and a lot happens in our hour of worship. Clothing: we are an eclectic group. You are welcome in everything from a t-shirt and jeans to your Sunday best. Children: we welcome kids. During service we offer a children’s time for all of the young at heart, for littles Nursery Care is offered but not required, and school age children are invited to stay for the worship experience (even if they wiggle, make noises, read, color, or play - as children often do). Music: our choir sings throughout the school year. And, the music often leans towards the United Methodist Hymnals although we pepper in contemporary and secular music too. Language/Inclusion/Theology: we try to craft a wide theological doorway for as many people as possible. For example, during the Lord’s Prayer, all are invited to use language for God that is most comfortable, which means everyone doesn’t say “Our Father.” People: you should know that we’re a friendly bunch. During the “Passing of the Peace,” many will introduce themselves, and if you would prefer not to be hugged, just let the incoming hugger know. We want you to be comfortable too!

education hour

We have just launched our Education Hour. This is when Sunday School is offered for the littles, children, and youth. It is also where we’re growing our small groups for adults. If you’d like to take time to be more intentional with your faith development, this is an opportunity for you. Currently we’re exploring small groups that focus on meditation, story circles, and books that encourage us to have healthy conversations across our differences. If you are interested in starting another small group, please use the Contact page to reach out.


jefferson street preschool

Jefferson Street Preschool is a ministry of Louisville United Methodist Church started with the goal of serving the community and meeting a need for families with small children. To learn more about the preschool, we encourage you to check out their website or contact the director, Bree Schaffer Pacheco.