Hello from Rev Elizabeth

2019.07.07 Acts - To beginning new adventures....png

Good morning people of Louisville,

I am keenly aware today that Sunday's worship services and introductions may go more smoothly if I invest some time with headphones and a cup of hot coffee finishing my sermon. At the same time, my mind keeps wandering to the fact that we only get to make one first impression. Before the chaos of the weekend, I want to personally invite you to Sunday morning's 'first impression.'

There are many ways that we get to engage God; worship is just one way that has spoken to many for millennia. In the space of a sanctuary, temple, chapel, synagogue, or even a mountainside, communities gather to pray in silence, rejoice in song, and meditate on a message. This Sunday's message will be an introduction to a sermon series about the early church figuring out what it meant to be followers of Jesus without Jesus there to teach them. It was also a chaotic time, and I'm sure the apostles were doing their best.

Something about that time period resonates with me as we come together to begin a new adventure of ministry in the Louisville community and beyond. Transitions can be messy and challenging, and they often come with new potential never before imagined. You and I have much to learn from each other, and I am eager to get started. May you find it in your holiday weekend schedule to join us Sunday morning for our 'first impression.' Feel free to invite your family, friends, and neighbors on this adventure.

Until then, I hope you are well. I am off to find a corner in a coffee shop to put the final touches on Sunday's message.


Rev. Elizabeth