Good Friday 2020


The Mount of Olives

Five days ago Jesus and his disciples stood west of Jerusalem on the Mount of Olives before marching into the city with people shouting "Hosanna! Hosanna!" Crowds laid coats and palm fronds on the ground seeking freedom, to be saved by the man upon the donkey.

As last night became today, Jesus journeyed back to the foot of the Mount of Olives to pray in the Garden of Gethsemane. When you feel lost, we often are told to go back to the beginning. For the next few days, may we go back to the beginning of the end...

You cannot have a resurrection without a death. You cannot have a crucifixion without an arrest. Our journey this week has taught us that Jesus would not have a trial without a betrayal.

I urge you to not skip from the palm fronds to the empty cross. For today in the darkness, we learn the power of God to overcome. I invite you to enter into the garden with Jesus as we worship this Good Friday...


If you have not watched the video yet, I encourage you to take 8-9 minutes to do so. We are making some shifts, and I am hoping that the video explains why this shifts are being made.

One of the challenges with worship up to this point, the shifts in worship moving forward, and even our newsletters is that the communication is very one directional. I miss being able to catch you in conversation or even hear your feedback in the midst of a sermon message.

Please know that my hope for Louisville UMC in the old normal, in the new normal, and the normal yet to come is that ministry is not a commodity to be consumed but a life practice that nurtures care and relationship with our communities, with each other, and with all of God's creation. Take some time as we journey this Holy Week to consider where God is calling you, and please let me know if I can partner with you on that journey.

Rev Elizabeth